Wednesday, January 2, 2013

January 2

GENESIS 3:1-4:26
MATTHEW 2:13-3:6
PSALM 2:1-2:12
PROVERBS 1:7-1:9

Sin enters the world.

In Genesis 3, we see the beginning of sin as Adam and Eve fall to temptation.  One of the most significant verses in this portion of scripture is found in Genesis 4:7, " If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it."  This is right after Cain kills his brother Abel. 

God sets before Cain life and a curse. If we do what is right in the eyes of God, we will not miss His mercy and grace.  That is a hope that we can hold on to, that if we live rightly before God he will accept us and offer us forgiveness and victory.   There is, however, a stern warning urging the sinner to control themselves.  "The way of sin is down-hill, and men go from bad to worse.  Those who do not sacrifice well, but are careless and remiss in their devotion to God, expose themselves to the worse temptations; and perhaps the most scandalous sin lies at their door" (Matthew Henry Commentary).  

If sin is harboring in your life then the curse of sin awaits at the door.  Ask yourself a question (and be honest) what sin is lingering around the door of your heart?  What sin is haunting you?  What are you struggling with?  

Whatever the answer to those questions, take heed of this promise, do what is right in the eyes of God and He will accept you. Be careful because the enemy wants nothing more than to see you fail. 

I end today with this quote from St. Augustine "This is the very perfection of a man, to find out his own imperfections."   We are not perfect, we sin, we fail, but do not let sin overtake you.  The last portion of the verse says " must master it."  Master sin! Whatever struggles you have, you must present it before God and fight the good fight so you can overcome them.  There is no sin, no struggle, that is too hard for God to see you through it.  

God bless and have a wonderful day.

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