Saturday, January 5, 2013

January 5

GENESIS 11:1-13:4
MATTHEW 5:1-26
PSALM 5:1-12
PROVERBS 1:24-28


Jesus starts the sermon on the mount with blessings on us.  He gives us 8 characteristics of blessed people; which represent to us the principle graces of a Christian.  On each of them a pressent blessing is pronounced; blessed are they; and to each a future blessing is promised, which is variously expressed, so as to suit the nature of grace that is recommended for this walk of life. 


Poor in Spirit- Those who are burdened or heavy laden, are the poor in spirit, and they shall find rest in God.

Those who mourn- This is a gracious mourning, which qualifies for blessedness, by the grace of God working in it and sanctifying the afflictions which make us mourn.

The Meek- The meek are those who quietly submit themselves to God and to His Word.  Those who follow His direction, and comply with His design, and are gentle towards all.  

Hunger and thirst for righteousness- Those who hunger and thirst after spiritual blessings, are blessed in those desires, and shall be filled with those blessings.  It is God, and God alone, who can fill our emptiness.

The Merciful- We must have compassion on the souls of others and help them.  

The pure in heart- Those who are inwardly pure, show themselves to be under the power of God.  True Christianity lies in our heart, so our hearts must be pure.

Peacemakers- We must be serviceable to others bringing each other to peace.  The children of this world love to fish in troubled waters, but the children of God are peacemakers.

Persecuted- Suffering is often times correlated with the Gospel.  Because we have taken our cross, we welcome hardships and troubles, but we will be blessed by God.

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