Friday, January 4, 2013

January 4

GENESIS 8:1-10:32
MATTHEW 4:12-25
PSALM 4:1-8
PROVERBS 1:20-23

Noah Leaves The Ark.

I find it very interesting that though God told Noah when the flood would come, even to the day (7:4), God did not give him an account through revelation at what time, and by what steps, the flood should go away.

Maybe, it was because the knowledge of the first part was necessary to his preparation of the ark.  But the knowledge of the floods ending would serve only to gratify Noahs curiosity, and by concealing it from him would be the needful exercise of his faith and patience.  

This is such a small fact in this story yet it has such significance in our lives.  That God would, at times, show us a part of a plan in our lives, in hopes that our faith in Him would grow, and in that growth he would reveal to us the rest.  

Noah serves as a great example of what it means to be in Gods will and plan and to trust in Him even though there seemed to be no finish line.

Noah was a man that we can all desire to be like, even in his removal from the ark, he still waited for God to say the word.  A prime example of trusting in God and acknowledging Him in all of our ways.  Our coming in and our going out should be surrounded by the blessing of God.

It had been over a year since Noah was prisoner to the ark, yet he found himself preserved there, not only for a new life, but a new world.  And as far as we can tell, we saw no signs of complain or resentment towards God, but a confidence in Him that seemed to grow.

At many moments in our life we can see that God is leading us in a certain direction, but fear and doubt creeps in because we only see part of the plan.  Be encouraged by Noah's life today.  God gave him the direction and steps that he needed and Noah had to trust God for the rest at a later time.  

God may give you a glimpse of what he desires from you but he may not give you the whole story.  Be patient, trust in God, and listen to His voice.  


  1. Trusting God and obeying Him is all that He requires of us. Why do we insist in knowing more?

  2. Great post! Total eye opening outlook on a story that I've heard many many times before. :)
