Wednesday, January 9, 2013

January 9

GENESIS 20:1-22:24 
MATTHEW 7:15-29 
PSALM 9:1-12 
PROVERBS 2:16-22

Abraham and Isaac.

After a long period of time, Abraham and Sarah are blessed with the arrival of their son, Isaac.  Perhaps, not at the time they would have set, but God is always punctual to His time.

After he had been blessed with his promised son, after all the difficulties he had gone through, after all the hardships he had endured, God tested Abraham's faith.  

I could not imagine what must have been racing through Abrahams mind.  Doubt, fear, sadness, confusion, yet through all that he was obedient to God.  Scripture says that Abraham got up early the next morning to prepare himself to sacrifice his son.

That is unparalleled obedience, Abraham doesn't wait, he doesn't stall, he doesn't delay, he wakes up early and saddles his donkey.  Side note, those that do the will of God should do it with all of our heart and with quick responses to God's command.  Those that delay lose time and their hearts are hardened.

This story is a symbol of what is to happen to our Lord Jesus Christ.  Note a similarity in verse 6, Abraham obliged Isaac to carry the wood for the sacrifice, the same way Jesus carried His own cross.

Now, after Abraham had prepared the altar he was ready to go through with it, with the same resolution of mind, and after many thoughts in his heart, he applies himself to completing the sacrifice.  And what seems to be a tragic story takes a sudden turn when the sky clears up, the sun breaks out, an Angel of God appears, and Isaac is rescued.

I've learned a few things in this story, 1. God desires that we love and obey Him more than anything on this earth.  2. God's time to help and relieve His people is when they are brought to the greatest extremity   The more imminent the danger the more wonderful the deliverance.  3. The best evidence in our fearing God is our being willing to serve and honor Him with what is dearest to us.  

Obey God, give up what he asks of you and find comfort in Him.  

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