Tuesday, January 8, 2013

January 8

GENESIS 18:16-19:38 
MATTHEW 6:25-7:14 
PSALM 8:1-9 


Today, I want to rest in the book of Proverbs.  A book full of wisdom and insights that we can live by.  A book that we should not gloss over, but read with attentive ears and open hearts.  

Proverbs gives us foundational goals in our walk with Christ.  Those goals are fearing God and the knowledge of God, and in the pursuit of those two goals we should desire wisdom.  Proverbs 2 gives us a glimpse of where we find wisdom and how we may get it.  

The beginning of this chapter tells us that if we are looking for wisdom, truly searching after wisdom, that we would understand and find the knowledge of God.  In verse 6 scripture says that the Lord gives wisdom.

I find it intriguing that this is the same day we read in Matthew  to ask, seek, and knock, Solomon and Jesus are in agreement that if we would search after God for something we will find it.  

And one of the things that we fail to ask God for is wisdom.  We must recognize that not only is the Lord wise himself, but he gives wisdom to those who ask.  

So, no matter where you are in your life look for Gods wisdom.  For everyday tasks as well as life changing decisions, you need the wisdom of God.  And the best news is that if we would search for it, he will give it to us.  

As you continue to read scripture pray for wisdom concerning His word.


  1. Why do you think wisdom is personified as a woman...


  2. I feel like Wisdom protects a person in a gentle way. Like its advice thats beautiful and honest, and when you have it people are attracted to it. :) A lot like a woman??

  3. I think the most literal answer to the question is literary interpretation. In the Hebrew language the word wisdom is a feminine word. The Hebrew language is a lot more complex and used the masculine and feminine words to personify certain things.
